Crushing the Barrier Between Adolescence and Mental Health Services

Our Approach

01 — Introduction

  • Briefly explain the importance of mental health services in schools

  • Highlight the benefits of Telehealth services for students and staff

  • Quick Demo of our services

02 — Needs Assessment

  • Conduct a comprehensive assessment of the school's mental health needs

  • Identify specific challenges and gaps in current mental health support

03 — Planning & Preparation

  • Establish a dedicated team to oversee the implementation process

  • Collaborate with our software developers to create a dashboard that best fits your needs

  • Develop a budget and secure the necessary funding

04 — Infrastructure and Technology Setup

  • Provide comprehensive training to the dedicated school representative on Telehealth practices

  • Educate dedicated staff on the role they can play in supporting Telehealth services

  • Provide all of the needed equipment and ensure the program is operational before the go-live date

Expanding mental health support for kids, regardless of distance

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